[A83] Re: Me so curious


[A83] Re: Me so curious

--- robvanwijk@gmx.net wrote:
> > Hel-lo! To prevent OS hacking, it would have to be
> > made unupgradable (bad). To prevent user program
> > access with a hardware fix, it would mean no FLASH
> > access at all (bad).
> Howdy!
> To prevent OS hacking, you only need to be careful
> with the
> way you design the hardware, and use public key
> encryption
> (to sign the OS).
> Unupgradable makes it fully secure of course,
> however, what's
> described above makes it virtually impossible to
> hack the OS.
> To prevent users from accessing Flash, you only need
> some
> very simple hardware to only allow code on specific
> Rom pages
> to enable Flash writes.
> This is also why I'm so curious how Michael got
> around it.
> Rob van Wijk
> -- 
> GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.
> http://www.gmx.net
Michael probably got around it with some simple OS
changes. The OS might not be that hard to hack. And
since I'm pretty sure the page where the OS upgrader
is is regular ROM, a hardware fix would be needed. Now
if only he'd tell us. Why the code of silence? :'(

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