[A83] Re: libraries


[A83] Re: libraries

> You might be able to do OOP, provided that you built a 
complex high-level 
> interpreter and compiler, and used it only in situations 
where speed is not 
> important.
Do not forget about memory requirements... I'm really 
convinced it is impossible to create a virtual machine on a 
low performance computer like the TI-83. It would be 
impractical anyway.

> A graphical solution is out of the question (rapid screen 
> updates and mouse cursors use up all the system 
resources.  There is no 
> proc time left for the actual program)
That's just another issue: how could you handle events? It 
would quite much overwhelm the system interrupt... It's not 
the graphics that is time consuming, drawing some 
rectangles is probably not the bottleneck. :)

> A system that allowed you to use 
> sub-var level stuff, like prog.sizebytes, prog.name, etc. 
might be helpful, 
> I am unsure if this is possible to integrate with our 
assembler or the 
> Z88DK program.
Well, you can always try to code it for yourself. If you 
already have an assembler, then you can do anything, :)


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