[A83] Re: weird contrast


[A83] Re: weird contrast

At 06:14 PM 3/3/02 +0000, you wrote:

> >At 01:42 PM 3/2/02 -0800, you wrote:
> >
> > >Hello,
> > >    I think what Sucker was actually meaning was that these weird dark
> >and
> > >light patterns formed in vertical lines. I always get those, but I have
> >no
> > >idea what they are. They are not just in graphing, either, I get them
> >often
> > >in Penguins.
> >
> >If there are a lot of pixels on in a column, sometimes the whole column
> >will get a bit darker.  Its just the properties of LCD screens.
> >
> >
>So I guess the pixels on a lcd aren't powered seperate?
>(but with rows/colums?)

What you do to make an LCD is give power to a row, then go along the 
column, giving power or not, or vice versa. Having a seperate wire for each 
pixel is impractical, when this system works fine and has a much smaller 
number of wires (2*sqrt(numpixels) max).
