[A83] Re: Compilation


[A83] Re: Compilation

It compiles for 4 different calcs (5 if you count the 83+). Those calcs
may resemble each other, but they're very different nevertheless (the
size of the screen, available rom calls, size of ram, and a bunch of
other stuff).
The fact that the source is enormously complex is to be expected. I
still think it is an amazing accomplisment he pulled it of in the first

BTW, David is right, Phoenix' source is even more complex (and for
the same reason, more confusing) than Vertigo's. The source to
Phoenix comes in something like 20 to 30 files, enjoy ;)

Rob van Wijk

> Ehm, IMHO you don't read Vertigo's source for fun...
> > Van: David Phillips <david@acz.org>
> > 
> > Aww, Phoenix?  If you want to see a real program that runs on multiple
> > calcs, look at Matthew Shepcar's Vertigo.  That thing runs on all four
> > calcs, and the entire thing is in one source file!
> > 
> > > Do you mean compiling one piece of source code to multiple
> > > programs (one for each calcs)? In that case you should look
> > > at a program like Phoenix, by Patrick Davidson.

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