[A83] Re: VoyageT_200 [OT]


[A83] Re: VoyageT_200 [OT]

> Is there somehwere I can find documentation on how to 
change hardware 
> setting under Mandrake without reinstalling?  Most of the 
stuff in the docs 
> say to use command prompt stuff, but X starts 
automatically, not allowing 
> me access to the prompt.

You can always access the prompt, either through an X 
console (xterm, anything) or...
If you're under X, press Ctrl-Alt-F1 (2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
for consoles 1-6. X is on the 7th console by default. When 
already in a console, you can switch to another one with 
Alt-Fx (F7 gets you back to X).

And if you don't want X to autostart, remove xdm.

btw if I remember well there are X apps that handle 
hardware stuff (kudzu or what... I don't remember the name 
of the app with the face-like icon... others surely know it 

