[A83] Re: APD in getk loop


[A83] Re: APD in getk loop

To my knowledge you can't.  However you have two options.  Either use the
getkey command instead (but I assume that you'd prefer to use getk for some
reason) or you could write your own routine that decrements a particular
variable and turns off the screen when it reaches 0 (perhaps you could even
find where the OS does this itself and call that location instead).


----- Original Message -----
From: "TypeR unknown" <typerfuture@hotmail.com>
To: <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 3:41 AM
Subject: [A83] APD in getk loop

> Can somebody tell me how I can use the Automatic Power Down in a Getk
> This loop currently looks like this;
> loop:
>    call _getk
>    or a
>    jr z,label
> Somehow the APD must be running during this loop.
> Thanks, Hasan Guduk
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