[A83] Re: extra storage


[A83] Re: extra storage

> Van: Ronald Teune <rtwolf@gmx.net>
>> Memory expanders work just like Archive.  You have to do a transfer to
>> RAM to run the program.  With good driver software and a nice hardware
>> interface, it might be just as easy as Archive, but current models
>> require the use of the Link menu.
> The link menu?
> I've always wondered how that would work. How do you receive software
> that way???

Sending a var seems vaible to me, but how do you get one back? There's only
'push', but no 'pull'. And then there's silent-link on the newer Ti models,
off coarse. So you could send a string (or some 'never used' Y-var) with
the name, and the devices pushes it via silent link on the calc.

	Henk Poley <><

btw, Ronald, you should learn to quote...
