[A83] Re: Defined Variables


[A83] Re: Defined Variables

>> No, I meant ld dat,a.  This is simplified writeback.
>I don't get it...
>Let's suppose "dat:" is at 9da0h (just for the sake of example...)
>ld dat,a would translate to ld $9DA0,a
>this would be an attempt to load the value of register "a" into a numeric 
>constant ($9DA0) quite impossible. An instructioon like that isn't even
>in tasm80.tab (ld *,a doesn't exist)

Just like in TI-OS: 


or something.

>ld (dat),a woult translate to ld ($9DA0),a
>this would load the value of register a into the memory location with 
>address $9DA0 (or "dat") that's what you want to do.... so i'd definately
>use ld (dat),a
>       ^   ^