[A83] Re: LCD update freq and working with 16bit numbers on the Z80


[A83] Re: LCD update freq and working with 16bit numbers on the Z80

> Van: Andreas Gustafsson <and_gu@hotmail.com>
> Adding by 12 is easy, since there is a 16 bit add, but subtracting by 12 
> seems to be very complicated, the only solution I could have come up
> with this far is this (which looks like it's waisting many clock cycles)
> ld a,l
> sub 12
> ld l,a
> ld a,h
> sbc a,0
> ld h,a

what about:

	;push	bc	; BC can also be DE
	ld	bc,-12
	add	hl,bc
	;pop	bc

What happens, BC (or DE) gets loaded with $FFFF - $C (12d) = $FFF3

Let's say HL was $1234 (4660d)

----- +
$0xxx (plus an overflow...)
$1227 (4647d = 4660d - 12d)

> My second question - does anyone know how many times per second you can
> update the LCD using the _GRBUFCPY_V call? I mean, what 'FPS' is the
> theoretical max, assuming that nothing else but the buffer copy is done?

Don't know the timings of _GRBUFCPY_V, but I do know that with ionFastCopy
(much faster) I had a framerate of about 144 (while plotting new sprites in

;by Joe Wingbermuehle
	ld	a,$80				; 7
	out	($10),a				; 11
	ld	hl,$8E29-12-(-(12*64)+1)		; 10
	ld	a,$20				; 7
	ld	c,a				; 4
	inc	hl				; 6 waste
	dec	hl				; 6 waste
	ld	b,64				; 7
	inc	c				; 4
	ld	de,-(12*64)+1			; 10
	out	($10),a				; 11
	add	hl,de				; 11
	ld	de,10				; 10
	add	hl,de				; 11
	inc	hl				; 6 waste
	inc	hl				; 6 waste
	inc	de				; 6
	ld	a,(hl)				; 7
	out	($11),a				; 11
	dec	de				; 6
	djnz	fastCopyLoop			; 13/8
	ld	a,c				; 4
	cp	$2B+1				; 7
	jr	nz,fastCopyAgain		; 10/1
	ret					; 10

Hope this helps, btw, ionFastCopy is a built-in lib of Ion. And the code
needed for Venus lib is (hope it's good, my TASM syntax is a but rusty):

#define	vnFastCopy  $FE6F

	.org	$932C
	.db	"ç9_[?"		; send(9prgm0 (where 0 is theta)
#if venus			;
	.db	$0,$1,$1	; No description nor icon
	.db	$1		; V-Explorer descriptor
	.db	icon-description	; lengthOfDescription+1
description:			;
	.db	"description..."	; no zero terminator
	.db	externals-icon	; heightOfIcon+1
icon:				;
	.db	00000000b	; Icon (max. heightOfIcon = 7 bytes)
	.db	$2		; numberOfExternals+1 (maximum = 11d)
externals:			;
	.db	$5,"~FCPY",$FF; We use the FastCopy-lib

You then only need to "call vnFastCopy" (or FastCopy).

	Henk Poley <><