[A83] Re: Compression algorithms-link


[A83] Re: Compression algorithms-link

> Van: Frank Schoep <dsfs98@concepts.nl>
> Is there a decent implementation of a Huffman decompression routine on
> TI83 (+) and if so, is there any documentation for it? I have already
> written a fairly good Huffman compression routine.

Strange, I only found decompression routines, where did you find the

; ------------------------------> HUFFEXTR.H
; Huffman Decompression by Jimmy Mårdell
; 'Odd address' bug fixed by Florent Dhordain 02/07/98 DDMMYY
; 'More than 42 files' bug fixed by James Vernon 26/10/2000 DDMMYYYY
; If you make any changes to the source, please tell us what and why.
; And you are NOT allowed to distribute a modified source, nor the
; compiled version of it. Any changes should be made for personal use only.
; Please notify changes to :
; Jimmy Mårdell      <mja@algonet.se>
; Florent Dhordain   <flo.dh@usa.net>
; ------------------------------> HUFFEXTR.H

; ld hl,DataFile                 ; (HL) = Start of compressed data file
; ld ix,gbuf                     ; (IX) = 1024 bytes for Huffman Library
; ld a,(Level)
; ld b,a                         ; B = File to extract from data file
; call HuffExtr                  ; Extract level to temp level storage


 push de
 push de
 push hl
 inc hl
 ld a,(hl)
 cp 1
 jr nz,MultiFile
 ld b,0
 push bc
 inc hl
 ld d,(hl)
 inc hl
 ld e,(hl)              ; DE = noDifChars
 inc hl
 push hl
; -- James -- ;
 ld l,a
 ld h,0                 ; HL = A
 add hl,hl              ; HL = 2A
 ld b,h
 ld c,l                 ; BC = 2A
 add hl,hl              ; HL = 4A
 add hl,bc              ; HL = 6A
 ld b,h
 ld c,l                 ; BC = 6A
 pop hl
 push hl
; -- James -- ;
; add a,a
; ld c,a
; add a,a
; add a,c
; ld b,0
; ld c,a
 add hl,bc              ; HL -> chars
 ld b,e
 dec b                  ; B = noDifChars-1
 push hl
 add hl,de
 pop de                 ; DE -> chars, HL -> tree, IX -> treeaddr
 ld (treeaddr),ix
 ld a,1
 ld c,a
 and (hl)
 jr z,NoBranch
 push ix
 inc ix
 inc ix
 ld a,c
 jr nc,UncrunchTree
 inc hl
 jr UncrunchTree
 ld a,(de)
 inc de
 ld (ix),0
 ld (ix+1),a
 inc ix
 inc ix
 ld a,b
 or a
 jr z,TreeBuilt
 ex (sp),hl
 push de
 push ix
 pop de
 ld (hl),d
 inc hl
 ld (hl),e              ; MSB 1st order
 pop de
 ex (sp),hl
 inc sp
 inc sp
 dec b
 jr NextTreeBit
 pop ix                 ; IX -> fileInfo
 pop af                 ; A = file no
; -- James -- ;
 ld l,a
 ld h,0                 ; HL = A
 add hl,hl              ; HL = 2A
 ld b,h
 ld c,l                 ; BC = 2A
 add hl,hl              ; HL = 4A
 add hl,bc              ; HL = 6A
 ld b,h
 ld c,l                 ; BC = 6A
; -- James -- ;
 pop hl                 ; HL -> noFiles
; add a,a
; ld c,a
; add a,a
; add a,c
; ld b,0
; ld c,a
 add ix,bc              ; IX -> fileInfo[file no]
 ld d,(ix)
 ld e,(ix+1)
 add hl,de              ; HL -> data
 ld b,(ix+3)            ; B = start bit
 ld a,1
 djnz Shift
 ld c,a                ; C = start bit vlaue
 ld d,(ix+4)
 ld e,(ix+5)           ; DE = length of uncompressed data
 pop ix                ; HL -> Data, C = bitval, DE = length, IX -> Storage
 push de
 ld de,(treeaddr)
 ld a,(de)              ; cause of this, we need to store in MSB 1st order
 or a
 jr z,EndOfBranch
 ld a,c
 and (hl)
 jr nz,RightBranch
 inc de
 inc de
 jr NextDataBit
 ex de,hl
 ld a, (hl)
 inc hl
 ld l, (hl)
 ld h, a                ; H = (HL), L = (HL+1) : MSB 1st order
 ex de,hl
 rlc c
 jr nc,CheckTree
 inc hl
 jr CheckTree
 inc de
 ld a,(de)
 ld (ix),a
 inc ix
 pop de
 dec de
 ld a,d
 or e
 jr nz,UncrunchData
 pop de

 .dw 0
