[A83] Re: Selfmodifying code


[A83] Re: Selfmodifying code

If you do Send9(prgmXXXX on your calc, doesn't it then first execute 
_exec_assembly (which is in your calc) to check some things in the program 
(like End 0000 End) and only then set the program to the memory address 
9327h ???

>From: "Henk Poley" <HPoley@DDS.nl>
>Reply-To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>To: <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
>Subject: [A83] Re: Selfmodifying code
>Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 19:33:27 +0200
> > Van: Sebastiaan Roodenburg <sebastiaan@rimsystems.nl>
> >
> > > Then we have 'squished' programs, that seem to be in binary format 
> > > the beginning. Does the calc run them directly, and in that case, if I
> > > write self-modifying code, will these mods be permanent, so that the
> > > next time you start the prg it will be in the state I left it after
> > > the last run?
> >
> > Depends on what shell you use...
> >
> > ZASMLOAD [..snip..]
> >
> > When you use a 'better' shell (ASHELL, SOS, ION, etc.) it runs the
> > program in a other way, supporting 'write back'... ASHELL and SOS
> > swap the program code with the code at 'progstart' when you execute
> > the program, calls 'progstart', and swap it back when it is finished
> > (that's why you can't use external files in these programs: VAT is
> > screwed). ION uses a complexer way to execute, which i havn't figured
> > out yet, to preserve the VAT.
> > With those shells your program can be +/- 21kb (the shell has to run
> > too), and when you modify your code during execution it is indeed 
> > back in that state when you finish your program.
>For Venus (both 82 and 83) the maximum programsize is around 26.4 kb. And,
>yes, it has writeback, since your program executes from inside it's
>variable. When you use the (graphical) shell the maximum programsize drops
>to 26 kb.
>btw, I'm still working on Venus-82... (so for that calc things might change
>a little)
>	Henk Poley <><

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