[A83] Ti83- memory layout


[A83] Ti83- memory layout

I always thought that about all adresses in RAM on the Ti-83 would be well
documented, but today made a list of these (similar to 82-ram.txt), and if
you only rely on Ti, you have a list of about one page printed (hmm, must
use big font).

I've looked a bit further, but most things I've found are 'questionable',
or only mentioned as an adress in the code of some program...

Some questions:
Where is the FP-stack located?
And how big is it (max)?
Are there any pointers to the begin/end?
Is the area used for the flags indeed 36 bytes big?
What are the 1466 bytes between CURGX (886E) and plotSScreen (8E29) used
for? Must be something usefull, I guess.
Anybody knows about FMTSTRING (929A - ???), what it's used for besides in

	Henk Poley <><
