[A83] Re: help!


[A83] Re: help!

Isn't it alo possible to load/convert the values into the floating point  "registers" op1,op2,etc, do the divisions, and then return?

In the TIOS'when you calculate, something like this is done too... (okay, it works exclusively with fp's, and 
I imagine convertin 16 bit values into fp numbers and back could be a real pain (and slow). But it is an idea.

--Peter Martijn
On Tue, 20 March 2001, Gavin Olson wrote:

> At 11:07 AM 3/20/01 GMT+00:00, you wrote:
> >
> >I have a question. How do I do a equation like this, I will use it in a
> battle engine in an RPG. The problem is that all the numbers are 16-bit. In
> this example I use the players strenght and attack values to define a damage:
> >
> >
> >thanks
> >Alex 
> >
> Through careful balancing and other things, you can cut those down to
> 8-bit.  Sure, it looks impressive for some big attack to flash 999, but it
> isn't really necessary.  Look at DND.  The numbers never get that huge.

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