[A83] 'pushing and popping' and grey_lib.zip


[A83] 'pushing and popping' and grey_lib.zip

I have three questions:
1.	if you do something like: ld b,8
     ld c,-5
     push bc
     ...(some other stuff)
     pop bc
         is b (after that last 'pop') then equal to 8 and c= -5?
2. if you push some registers before you call a subroutine (with 'ret' at
the end of it), is that possible or do you have to pop the registers first
(what i don't want to do,  because the registers that i push first are
destroyed during that subroutine)
3. does anybody who has downloaded 'grey_lib.zip' (i found it under graphics
for TI-83) know how the program 'Bmp83_i.exe' works, because i think it's
broken and i need it to convert a picture (256-color bmp (size: 96x64)) to
greyscale, and it doesn't do the same as other 'picture-converters'. Because
you have to get (it must be converted to decimal) ,for a 96x64-picture , 2 x
64 '.db'-statements with 13 numbers on it each and with usual converters,
you only get 12 numbers on each line (i tried to put an ',0' after each
line, but i wouldn't work)
I also tried to contact the guy who made the program (duh?) but he won't
respond (i hate that kind of guys, especially when their programs don't