RE: A83: Will this work?


RE: A83: Will this work?

I haven't looked over all it.  I just wanted to say that you cannot load b
into a variable like you did in line 3.  ld (BOOKNUMBER),a
In line 2, I recomend 	xor a ; set a to 0
				ld (BOOKNUMBER),a
There may be a more efficient way, and if someone knows of one please tell

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of james l
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 2:08 PM
Subject: A83: Will this work?

I am kind of new at assembly and wrote this yesterday and today to search
programs (protected or not) starting with the charachters E and B. The ones
that match are stored in variables pointed to by TEMP1 (rom page, offset,
ti-os name) If there is an easier way to do this, please tell me.

I know it is inefficient and not commented well, but if someone with more
experence would look over this, I would be very thankful. (This is for a
reading program for the 83+, but not the 83 (too limited amount of ram, and
don't have one), however when I am done if someone wants to port it, I will
try to help)

Sorry about the long message,
James Lancaster

        ld b,0
        ld (BOOKNUMBER),b
        ld bc,86B9h     ;38 bytes less than where it will start as
        ld (TEMP1),bc   ;LOAD_RECORD adds 38 to it
        ld hl,progPtr
        jp RECORD_TESTS

RESET_TO_START_2:       ;I know these are inefficient as hell
        inc hl
        inc hl
        inc hl
        inc hl
        inc hl
        inc hl
        inc hl
        inc hl
        dec hl
        dec hl
        dec hl
        dec hl
        dec hl
        dec hl
        ld a,(hl)
        dec a
        dec hl
        cp 0
        jp nz,AGAIN

        ld bc,(Ptemp)
        ld a,h
        cp b
        jp nz,NOT_DONE_WITH_SEARCH
        ld a,l
        cp c
        jp nz,NOT_DONE_WITH_SEARCH
        ret                             ;done searching

        ld a,(hl)
        and 7
        bit 3,a
        jp z,NEXT_RECORD
        cp 4
        jp z,NEXT_RECORD
        cp 7
        jp z,NEXT_RECORD
        ;this record is a (un)protected program either works
        dec hl
        dec hl
        dec hl
        dec hl
        dec hl
        dec hl
        dec hl ;now at first char of name
        ld a,(hl)
        cp 69   ;is a E in other words
        jp z,RESET_TO_START_1
        dec hl
        ld a,(hl)
        cp 66   ;is a B in other words
        jp z,RESET_TO_START_2
        inc hl
        inc hl ;now at # of chars in title byte
        inc hl
        inc hl
        inc hl
        ld ix,(TEMP1)
        ld e,38
        ld d,0
        add ix,de
        ld (TEMP1),ix ;each record takes up 38 bytes, so this goes to the
next record
        ld a,(hl)
        ld (ix+9),a
        inc hl
        ld a,(hl)
        ld (ix+11),a
        inc hl
        ld a,(hl)
        ld (ix+10),a
        dec hl
        dec hl
        dec hl
        ld a,(hl)
        ld c,a
RECORD_NAME:            ;loop for number of chars
        dec hl
        ld b,(hl)
        dec a
        ld (IX),b
        cp 0
        jp nz,RECORD_NAME
        ;name, flash rom page, offset on that page should all be in ram
        inc hl  ;it was on last byte of name, search again
        jp RECORD_TESTS
