[A83] Re: $


[A83] Re: $

At 17:10 2001-12-02, you wrote:
>How does $ work??? I've never heard about it before...

Welcome to the list newcomer!

We had a lenghty discussion about it just a few  month ago.
this FAQ.......

anyway, in short: it is a symbol built into TASM, that when the program is 
assembled, is replaced by the adress of the instruction one the same line 
as the $ is written.


an infinite loop:

jp $

same as

  jp stupid

Extremly usefull for macros and self modifying code.
It is mentioned in tasm.doc.
Note that this has nothing to do with z80 asm, and is a special feature in 
tasm, and can not be assumed to work in any other assembler.

