[A83] Re: Printerdriver for the TI-83(+)


[A83] Re: Printerdriver for the TI-83(+)

> The EDE1400 from http://www.elabinc.com needs a 2400/8/n/1 signal (serial ofcourse). Now my
> questions:

I understand that you're trying to make a serial printer driver for ???
(in essence: what is the EDE1400)

> 1 is the stop bit '1' or '0' ?
> 2 how much cycles is one second?

the calc runs @ 4 mhz, so, I guess about 4000000 cycles.

> 3 how much cycles does halt take (I remember Henk saying it once, but I lost the email)

ehm, didn't it wait for the next interrupt, and then continue,
interrupt was about 1/260 th second if I am correct

> 4 are there other ways to slow down the calc to 2400 baud?

crappycodersguild.cjb.net ;-)

> 5 how exact does the 2400 baud to be, normally?
> 6 [OT]how to restore a version error in a group?
Hmm, I haven't checked out group files, but I guess you need to rewrite the header

> 7 [OT] why doesn't remotecalc for ion work (vti<->ti via parallel)?
> Thanks,
> --Ronald


