[A83] Re: Putsprite w/o xor


[A83] Re: Putsprite w/o xor

Thank you so much for that advice.  I changed Joe's routine to make this 

;-----> Draw a sprite; b=size of sprite; l=yc; a=xc; ix holds 
pointerputSprite:   ld  e,l ld  h,$00   ld  d,h add hl,de   add hl,de   add 
hl,hl   add hl,hl   ld  e,a and $07 ld  c,a srl e   srl e   srl e   add hl,de   
ld  de,gbuf add hl,deputSpriteLoop1:sl1:    ld  d,(ix)  ld  e,$00   ld  a,c 
or  a   jr  z,putSpriteSkip1putSpriteLoop2: srl d   rr  e   dec a   jr  
nz,putSpriteLoop2putSpriteSkip1:    ld  a,(hl)  and d   or d    ld  (hl),a  
inc hl  ld  a,(hl)  and e   or e    ld  (hl),a  ld  de,$0B  add hl,de   inc 
ix  djnz    putSpriteLoop1  ret
The only problem is that my sprite is 8x8, but when I use this routine it 
makes a block 16wide8tall with the sprite on one side, and the side the 
sprite is on keeps alternating when it is moved around the screen.  Does 
anyone know how to fix this?

-Cole South