A83: Re: Assembly limit [83+]


A83: Re: Assembly limit [83+]

The "8K limit" is a hardware restriction placed on the 83 Plus by TI (no
doubt so that you can't run apps from RAM).  What it actually does is if
code is running from anywhere on the second RAM page (stuff between $C000
and $FFFF) the calculator will reset.  Since the origin for assembly
programs on the 83 Plus is $9D95, this means that you can't have more than
$C000-$9D95 (8811 bytes) of executed code.  You can have programs larger
than this size, so long as the part of the program that will be located past
$BFFF is only data.

The problem is that Ion's library routines are loaded directly after the
program in RAM.  So if you use Ion library calls, your program can't be
larger that about 8K (regardless of where you place data and code).  In
MirageOS, the library routines (both the MirageOS specific and Ion ones) are
located in the first ROM bank ($4000-$7FFF) so you can still use library
calls and have programs as large as you like.

-Dan Englender
----- Original Message -----
From: "Xavier LaRue" <paxl@caramail.com>
To: <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 8:55 AM
Subject: A83: Assembly limit [83+]

Can anyone tell me what is the 8k limit on the 83 plus???

Boîte aux lettres - Caramail - http://www.caramail.com
