A83: Negative or positive?


A83: Negative or positive?


Again, thanks for your help, it got me a lot further. But
now I'm stuck again. This is my question...

	In my program, a sprite moves from the left to the right
	of the screen, and back. I do this by using a variable
	sprite_x and a variable speed.

	At the begin of the program, Speed=1 and Sprite_x=44
	Then I do   Add Sprite_x, Speed  (well, I use a and e instead, but this is
						    just the explanation)

	I do this until Sprite_X > 90. At that point, I neg speed, and repeat
	the whole thing, until Sprite_X < 6. It works great.

	At an other place in the program, I want to check if the
	sprite is currently moving left or right, so I want to check
	if speed is positive or negative. That's where I'm stuck now.
	How can I do it?

	I tried this:
	ld	a,(speed)
	cp	0
	jp	c,A_Is_Negative
	jp	A_Is_Positive_Or_Zero

It doesn't seem to work. It looks like speed is never negative.
I reverse it using neg, but this is the result:

	Speed	| after Neg
	1	| 255
	2	| 254
	3	| 253
	4	| 252

	and so on...

It seems that Speed is never negative! I think that's somewhere
logical, because Speed is an 8-bit variable. On the other hand,
it's not possible, because the sprite does move from the right
to the left, as I decribed above.

So, how can I check if Speed is positive or negative?

Greetings & thanx, Marc

Follow-Ups: References: