Re: A83: Linkport


Re: A83: Linkport

The common mistake is to think this is simple... If you are for example
just sending a single byte of data always then we can assume that every
byte transfered is for that. For example, I am sending a "score" to the
other calculator, and that score is updated often and randomly. It is
perfectly ok to just send the "score" byte at any time without any
context because we know that any byte will be the "score" byte. The
problem arises when I need to send, say x and y coordinates. For this
you'll have to make a protocol for sending the information, if you want
to do it correctly that is. Something like, every value is preceeded by
a id byte. So sending if I need to update the X coordinant on the
recieving calc: I send $01,X... or Y: $02,Y... The main thing you must
remember is that ztetris contains routines for sending a single byte.
You will have to create the context in which those bytes are sent.

Man on the Moon wrote:
> I took a look at ASM Guru but the Linkport tutorial does not seem to have
> been written yet. James, are you still working on that one? The TI docs are
> little help and I get lost in the code to Ztetris. Could anyone please post
> a small example of you to communicate things like x and y coordinates of
> opponents through the link?
> From: Chris (Man on the Moon)
> e-mail:

Scott "Wrath" Dial
Member of TCPA -

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