Re: A83: Where to store a Large data structure?


Re: A83: Where to store a Large data structure?

Here is the declaration to the APD_BUFFER, the most popular temporary

bigData = savesscreen

here is the routine to lookup an item.

; input: a = item, from one to fifty (can be to 255)
; output: de = 16 bit data.
 ld l,a
 ld h,0
 add hl,hl
 ld de,bigData
 add hl,de

 ld e,(hl)	; big endian reverses bytes
 inc hl
 ld d,(hl)


On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Colin Slater wrote:

> Hi, Im looking for a way to store a large data structure. I need at least
> 100 bytes, and I need to be able to access anyone of them quickly. I also
> need it so I can access it in 16 bit pieces to a register pair. Any
> sugestions would be helpful.
> hehe
