A83: Error handlers [83]


A83: Error handlers [83]

I think this subject is interesting, more because I didn't find much about
it. Only some document saying that it is possible to install a 'new
error-handler'. Okay...

What does that error handler do? (besides giving a "ERR:xxx" message)
And how can you change the behaviour?

Most Ion-games which are *smart* enough to do error-trapping come up with
an error-message, after wich I can return to the prompt to see that my calc
has crashed... Not quite the way I want it to be.

Most of those errors are merely because a misuse of numbers.
Such as, trying to do a _SIN call on a negative number in OP1. Okay, the
programmer certainly want's to know if this happens. But I think every
program should be able to react in it's own ways, sometimes such error
aren't that serious...

	Henk Poley

Think about what amazing discoveries will be done in the next Millenium...
We will be able to take a trip to the Moon or Mars, and we will be able to
talk to our PCs!!!
