Re: A83: ROMcall reference [83]


Re: A83: ROMcall reference [83]

> > 002Bh - Sets the memory address described above to zero.
> >
> > ;;;; apparently it doesn't.
> ...Yeah, it does :)  'sub a' will subtract A from A, thus making A zero.
> It's a byte smaller than doing 'ld a,0'.  Most of the "hobby" programmers
> use 'xor a' instead, but it TI's code, they usually use 'sub a'.  If you
> were referring to the memory address, it is the same memory as the
> previous call.  On the 83 they're both 913Ch (or so I gather from your
> pasted code), on the 83 Plus they're both 9653h.
> -Dan Englender

Okay, sorry... Me acting dumb %-)

1 - 1 = 0
3842 - 3842 = 0
A - A = 0   -->   And I, "Math Wonder", didn't see...

	Henk Poley

BTW: Totaly off subject, but does somebody know what 'Hilbert space' is.
And can he/she tell me it in a simple way. (Don't ask me what 'math-grade'
I'm in, in Holland we don't work with 'grades', So I don't know...)