A83: Re: Ion/Beta Testers


A83: Re: Ion/Beta Testers

The code there is somewhat faulty. This is the full format.
#include "ion.inc"
#ifdef TI83P
    .org progstart-2
    .db $BB,$6D
    .org progstart
    ret    ; should actually be "xor a" instead of "ret" if you don't use any of Ion's library routines (the ones that are like "call ion????")
    jr nc,start
.db "Program Description as appears in Ion",0
; start putting your code here. remember to exit the program by breaking out of all subroutines, returning the stack to it's original state, and doing the command "ret"
----- Original Message -----
> - - What's the code needed at the beginning of a program for Ion? The =
> Ashell and SOS bits are clear to me (nop / ccf, .dw description, (.dw =
> icon) etc.).
