Re: A83: link problems


Re: A83: link problems

Most of the ti8x calc have the same link port so any information you find on
link ports for these calcs should apply to the ti83 too. Have a look at the
latest version of 82-ports.txt, it desribes how the link port functions.
Also the ti85 document called something like port7.txt has a description
too, and includes rouintes in asm to send and receive bytes.

----- Original Message -----
From: Laurens Holst <>
To: <>
Sent: 23. oktober 1999 18:22
Subject: Re: A83: link problems

> > In a message dated 10/20/1999 1:53:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Cedric
> Delmas
> > asked:
> >
> > << I want to change the state of the link port. It should be:
> >      ld a, "something"
> >      out (BPORT),a
> >  But what are the value of a in order to have the different
> I
> >  tried D0HD1H etc. but my 83 crashes.
> >  Where can I find a good tutorial on "how to use the link port"?>>
> >
> > Check TI's documentation, there's an explanation of it there. To my
> knowledge
> > there is no tutorial on the link port, thats why I suggested it for
> ASMGuru
> > = P
> There are some docs on the link protocol on the TI-files. LINKPROT.TXT it
> was I think. Anyways, at the bottom of the text there is a link routine
> written in C. Just convert it to Assembly and you're ready. But mind you!
> the PC the pins you read are swapped. So when you read a 2 on a PC you
> a 1 on a TI-83 (or an MSX using my linkcable). However 3 remains 3 and 0
> remains 0. The base protocol (plain sending and recieving of bytes) still
> works when the pins are swapped, however the higher level protocol will
> (and highly likely hang your TI).
> I have routines to send and recieve bytes for my MSX, only think I have to
> do is change the I/O ports and the equotations for the bytes to send (well
> actually a little more; I have to delete half of the OUTs in my routines),
> if you want me to do it I can, but it will take some days (I can be very
> lazy).
> I am trying to become member of TCPA, if it works out I'll submit some
> sources (and texts) about linking on their page, and someday I'll write a
> text about using linking in games too I think. But not now yet, got other
> things on my mind.
> ~Grauw
> --
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>           email me: or ICQ: 10196372
>              visit the Datax homepage at
> MSX fair Bussum / MSX Marathon homepage:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
