Re: A83: Ti83 variables


Re: A83: Ti83 variables

you see, the .db is not doing anything more (or less) than defineing a byte in
your program to a certain value. and when you put a label like "var" you are
giveing that byte's address a name.
It is the same thing when you make labels you jump to. They are just names for
so it is perfectly legal to do like this:

var1	.db 0
var2  	.db 0
var3    .db 42
var3    .dw 47

And I think you can understand how you use thoose :)
the last one ".dw" is defineing a word instead of a byte. (for loading into hl
for example)

//Olle wrote:
> in asm i know you can save a variable like for right back as this
>         ld a,20
>         ld (var),a
> var:
>         .db 0
> i also know you can have many variables in a thing like
> var:
>         .db 0,0,0
> but what i was wondering is how you would load it into a variable and how you
> can load a varibale to it.  If any one know please help
