Re: A83: Hays Games Co. Admits Defeat


Re: A83: Hays Games Co. Admits Defeat

On Wed, 23 Jun 1999 20:19:49 -0700, Ian Graf wrote:
>That is the lamest thing I have ever heard! If you want money so bad why
>don't you get off your ass and get a job you moron!

   I totally agree with this one!! You are so pathetic if you are attempting 
to make money off programming on a calculator, especially if you are copying 
other people's games!! Sometimes I take ideas from other peoples games in 
BASIC or ASM, or maybe some code.. but I give the person credit in the 
documentation. What you have done just copying peoples whole games and 
putting your name on it, that's so fu_king dumb!
   On another note, while I'm replying to a message from Ian Graf, thanx for 
all the input into ASMGURU, and also for releasing the code to Slopes. These 
are the things that really taught me how to get started in ASM.

   Anywayz, cya's later!

James Vernon

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