Re: A83: CP with register DE?


Re: A83: CP with register DE?

In a message dated 29-01-99 11:07:30 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Hi all,
 What the sources on Z80 ASM have taught me is that CP only works with
 A.  However, the below usage of CP is contradictory to that rule...take a
 at this.
 Here's the code:
 call _getk         ; get keycode
 call _op2toop1  ; swap OPs
 call _convop1     ; put OP1 in -->DE<-- and not A
 cp  22 		     ; compare with [MODE] keycode
 ret   z              ; exit if pressed

This works because CP compairs to a, not with a.  So, when you do cp 22, it
checks to see if a=22.