A83: sprite prob....(sorry if long)


A83: sprite prob....(sorry if long)

Ok, my code, I'm basically using James Mathews code for the TI Mouse.  
What I did is the part that calls putmse I repeated that with different 
sprite (easy enough) to make him walk.  But my problem is that I made 
separate moveloops: for each direction he facelike this

                    call faceup (XOR routine calling the sprite that 
faces up)
                    jp getkey  (goes to get key routine)

I did one for each direction and I call the same sprite for the routine 
to keep it from leaving lots of shadows behind (like this  8 8 8 8 8 E)
But when I change direction it doesn't call the previous sprite, but a 
different one.  This causes the part that isn't written over to leave 
streaks (hope that helps)
I've written two other small programs so I feel pretty comfortable with 
ASM (my fist language)
Hopefully this doesn't upset James (too) much.  But for a side note the 
sprite is 8X12. Also anybody have a good delay routine that is small? 
Mine goes like this (mine all mine all mine)

	call delay2
	call delay2
	call delay2
	ect. to seven?
	push af
	inc hl
	dec hl
	pop af

It gives a good 1/4 sec. it uses somwhere around 42 bytes. could use 
jp's but it reduces it 1 byte and makes it go lots faster (not good for 
a delay prog)

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