Re: A83: new TI-83 Site


Re: A83: new TI-83 Site

In a message dated 01-02-99 12:58:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< Hi,
 I finished my new TI-83 Site.  I still have to add tutorials and some
 other stuffs.  I have a request to all of you programmers to please
 send me any new game or program you make with one screenshot.  I'd
 like to keep my homepage updated like  I hope you'll help
 me make my site better.  And also, please send me your links.  But the
 site has to be about TI-83.  Thanks.
 Get your free address at

Tip #1:  Don't use Geocities, it's not worth it.  If you want to use
something, get something that costs money, or get something like webjump.
Webjump gives you a url that is MUCH shorter than geocities,
(, and they offer 25 megs of space, and you can get a 1st
level domain name ( for $70 ONCE, and that's it until 2 years,
then you have to pay $35 a year.  The only thing they do is put a banner frame
at the top of your page, but it's still better than what geocities does.

Tip #2:  If you expect to be as active as, then you should get
about 3-7 more webmasters, each with their own job and each with a good
knowlage of html, scripting, asm, and basic.  (also, they should preferably
all get along :P)

Tip #3:  Don't go by the name Webmanager, you're not the only webmanager on
earth.  Either use your real name, or a cryptic name that sounds swahili.

Tip #4:  Don't use frames, use a table.  Frames mess up your backround
picture, and are harder to use links with.  No one likes a webpage that keeps
a frame when you go to another page through a link.

And lastly, Tip #5:  Try to use style sheets, they make links look alot
cooler, and in HTML 5.0, all you will be able to use is style sheets.

I hope this helps.
If you want to see an example of what I think is a good page (mine), go to
You'll also notice that I have minimal pictures, people hate low loading
times, and it doesn't add too much to the page to have bulky pictures as
links.  Feel free to steal some code, just don't copy the whole thing and use
it as your page.
-David (known as Rangsk on my page)