Re: A83: setting flags


Re: A83: setting flags

To further explain what he meant... since you cannot directly affect f
you will have to push af \ pop bc and modify c, then push bc \ pop af.
For example:

	push af
	pop bc
	or %01000000 ; This would set the zero flag
	push bc
	pop af wrote:
> Flags are stored in the F register.  The bits are as follows:
> bit 7: Sign flag
> bit 6: zero flag
> bit 5: unused
> bit 4: half carry
> bit 3: unused
> bit 2: Parity/Overflow
> bit 1: Add/subtract flag
> bit 0: carry flag
> you can change the flags using bit masking techniques
>                                                             bud

Scott "_Wrath_" Dial
TimeCity Co-Lead Developer, AI -
Member of TCPA -
