Re: A83: Printing tokens?


Re: A83: Printing tokens?

On 14-Oct-98, Henry Davidowich wrote:

>OK, the user string variables (Str1 through Str0) and possibly "ans" are 
>stored as a string of tokens, right?  Ok, then how do I print a token on 
>the screen so it looks as it was when it was first entered?  Basically, 
>I want to convert the tokens in one of these variables into the standard 
>character set.  Is there some sort of "_puttoken" call or something like 
>that?  Thanks.

>BTW: I found this in

>_GET_TOK_STRNG     equ           47C5h

>Get Your Private, Free Email at

Home screen: Place the token in de, then call _PutTokString (4ce2h). If
you're dealing with a one byte token, you have to put a zero in d.

Checking whether a token is 1-byte or 2-byte is done like this: Have hl
pointing to the token. Call _ISA2BYTETOK (43beh). If it was a 2-byte token,
the z flag will be set.

Small font: put the token in de (d=0 if one byte token), then call
_GDISPTOKEN (4b20h).

