Re: A83: Re: I am new


Re: A83: Re: I am new

> Dont you mean '450' is a 16-Bit number? I know ya did, but dont confuse the
> guy straight off, hehe... ;)  

ARGH!  I could have SWORN I wrote 16-bit, in fact I did...but I must have changed it by accident.  Doh...sorry.

> Hmm, I thought you'd atleast say, "Dude, have a
> look at my Tutorials, there's freakin' 53 of them now..." =P

Haha, shutup :)...

>  Oh ya by the
> way, Im suprised hasnt posted them yet, but could you also get them
> up in HTML or atleast Plain-Text somewhere, please? I'd really like to have a
> look at them soon... :)

Me too...probably with plain text is all the hyperlinks disappear...problem with with HTML is its a PAIN IN THE ASS to convert
:)...I'll save the tutorials as HTML using Word and check the size, chances are it'll be HUGE, and cumbersome.  But if you

