Re: A83: Writing to Y1.


Re: A83: Writing to Y1.

On 04-Oct-98, James Matthews wrote:

>> Set OP1 to the name of equation Y1 (explained in, call
>> _chkfindsym, get  the size of the variablle (word pointed to by de), put
>> size in hl and the address of the data after the size word (was: de+2),
>> _delmem. Then use the same de, set hl to the size of your equation, call
>> _insertmem. Then ldir your equation into the newly allocated memory. Write
>> size of your equation into the first two bytes of the data (2 bytes before
>> what you ldir:ed). If your equation uses other variables than x, look up
>> symtab entry for each one of them and set the graphref bit.

>Ok, I'll try that.  Thanks.  But how would I do:

>> If your equation uses other variables than x, look up the
>> symtab entry for each one of them and set the graphref bit.

>...that :)



Ah! That's the unducomented part.. hehe... Actually, what I mean is that you
should set bit 6 of the type byte for that variable. That informs the system
that whenever this variable changes, the graph dirty flag should be set.

