A83: Re: vdispHL


A83: Re: vdispHL

James Matthews (matthews@tkb.att.ne.jp)

ICQ: 7413754

> From: yean yean <yhean@mailcity.com>
> To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
> Subject: A83: vdispHL
> Date: Thursday, November 19, 1998 4:31 AM
> Hello  :)
> I'm here again, and I'm SORRY to ask something so stupid...
> -->I don't understand what I'm suppose to do before calling 'vdispHL'<--
> Ex:
> if I call '_memchk', the value is stored into 'hl' ? Is that right ?


> But after that, where do I have to store 'hl' ??? In OP1 ?

Nowhere...its fine in HL :)...just call _disphl.

> What we usely do before calling '_setxxop1' is to store the value into 'a', no ??

Yep...right again.  setxxop1 takes the acc and puts it in OP1.