Re: A83: Re: 83ASM: Why?


Re: A83: Re: 83ASM: Why?

shiesh... thats just the size of OP1

-Harper Maddox
IRC nick: Geori
ICQ: 1214597
-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Lennartsson <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 1998 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: A83: Re: 83ASM: Why?

Why do you think that, it would be better with 6 since that's the right
amount of bytes for the programname.
Otherwise it puts some strange things you haven't any control of in
the memory location de


On Wed, 20 May 1998, Harper Maddox wrote:

> BC is set to 0, i think it should be set to 10
> -Harper Maddox
> IRC nick: Geori
> ICQ: 1214597
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: Jimmy Conner <>
>     To: <>
>     Date: Wednesday, May 20, 1998 1:53 PM
>     Subject: A83: 83ASM: Why?
>     Can anybody tell me why this doesn't work all the time?
>     I get it to work sometimes but the rest of the times it crashes my
>     calc.  It is supposed to create a prog called Jimmy
>     .ORG 9327h
>     LD HL, ProgName
>     LD BC, 0000H
>     LD DE, 8039h
>     LDIR
>     LD HL, 04000h
>     CALL 448Ah
>     RET
>     ProgName:
>     .db "AJIMMY",0
>     .end
>     END
>     _________________________________________________________
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