A83: wish list


A83: wish list

1) i would like to know how to turn on the graph cursor. i can get the
home screen cursor to go but for the life of me i can't get the graph
cursor to go! i wanted to possibly use it in an advanced drawing

2) while searching for other things to put in the wish list, i thought
to myself, "look in squish.inc!" if you haven't you should. n e waz, i
found this:

_EXEC_ASSEMBLY     equ           5102h

is this the call to execute a non-squished asm program? if so how is it

3) a number of other calls i found in squish.inc are listed here that
caught my eye (not that they don't all make me die of curiosity).

_INIT_PROG_LIST    equ           4F1Eh

what does this do?

_INSERTMEMA        equ           4436h

how is this different from insertmem?

_KEYTOSTRING       equ           480Dh

could this be used to mimic a basic Input in asm?

_GETKEYPRESS       equ           47BDh

what does this do?

4) in squish.inc i saw a number of calls related to "edit". is this the
program editor? just for instance, this:

_EDITPROG          equ           4E02h
_CLOSEPROG         equ           4E06h

5) there was also a group of "exec" calls which seem to have many

COMPLEX_EXEC       equ           4A14h
EXECUTE_Z80        equ           52E5h
GRAPH_EXEC         equ           5188h
IO_EXEC            equ           51EFh
PARSER_EXEC        equ           4FDFh
PGMIO_EXEC         equ           50B2h

6) the grapher i'm not so concerned about but it would be great to get
any info on it any way.

7) sooooo many calls in squish.inc were related to the parser. do you
realize what you could do if you knew how to use it?

8) error handling. hmmm... nothing is worse in a program than a runtime
error. it leaves the calculator in a mess. the best solution is usually
to reset your calc, but what if you don't have some where to get your
lost information from?
