A83: Lists...floating point.


A83: Lists...floating point.

Here's a program that stores a floating point number (or integer) to the
first element in list James.  Again, its just about Ian's program with a
tiny modification...this is what I used in my tutorials, and since Ian said
he didn't know about floating points, well, here it is!


#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"

_errundefined .equ 467Bh

.org 9327h

     call _zerooop1         ; clear op1
     ld hl,listname         ; where to copy name from
     ld de,op1              ; where to copy name to
     ld bc,8                ; length of name
     ldir                   ; all set, copy it
     call _chkfindsym       ; look up list
     jp c,_errundefined     ; error if not found
     push de                ; save de
     call _rclX             ; Recall from user variable X.
     pop de                 ; restore de
     ld hl,1                ; # of element to get (1-999)
     call _puttol           ; store it


     .db $01,$5D,"JAMES"    ; the user list IAN


Hope that helps...
