RE: A83: > How to do INPUT <


RE: A83: > How to do INPUT <

This is extrememly similar to the way we do it w/the 86, but if you need
something a bit simpler, just to input text, I'd look at somehing like
PacMan source or Orzunoid source, using the high scr routine can help..

Ahmed El-Helw
ICQ: 3350394

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Alan C Johnson
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 1998 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: A83: > How to do INPUT <

I'll be darned if I understand this.  See below.  Pardon my stupidness

On Fri, 24 Jul 1998 12:26:17 +0100 Linus Akesson <>
>Allright, I'll tell you... But if you use this in your programs, I
>would be
>very grateful if you mentioned my name (as a credit, greeting or
>because it wasn't the easiest thing to figure out...
>Getting String Input
>                                              by Linus Akesson
>First of all, we put a prompt at 821ch. Max 16 chars.
>        ld      de,821ch                ;put the prompt here
>        ld      hl,prompt
>        ld      bc,prompt_len           ;length of prompt, max = 16

How can I set the legnth limit to 8 chars?

>        ldir
>Then we call PGMIO_EXEC with the String Input command.
>        ld      a,0                     ;code for STRING input
>        ld      (ASM_IND_CALL),a
>        call    PGMIO_EXEC              ;defined in

What the heck is this?

>Now OP1 contains the name of a temporary string variable. The string
>tokens, but if you're only interested in alphanumeric input that
>matter, because uppercase letters and digits are still ascii.

Where did it get the input?

>This routine is an example of how to display the string without
>checking for
>tokens line sin(.
>        call    _CHKFINDSYM

What is this for?

>        ex      de,hl                   ;hl is start of string data
>        ld      c,(hl)
>        inc     hl
>        ld      b,(hl)
>        inc     hl                      ;bc is length of string
>        ld      a,b
>        or      c                       ;length = 0 ?
>        ret     z                       ;return if so
>        push    bc
>        ld      a,(hl)                  ;get a character
>        call    _putc
>        pop     bc
>        dec     bc
>        ld      a,b
>        or      c                       ;done yet?
>        jr      nz,loop                 ;no -> loop back
>        call    _newline
>        ret
>And ofcourse:
>prompt:         .db "Inp:",0
>prompt_len      =   $-prompt
>Getting Numeric Input
>                                              by Linus Akesson
>This is done in about the same way. Start by putting the
>prompt at 821ch:
>        ld      de,821ch                ;put the prompt here
>        ld      hl,prompt
>        ld      bc,prompt_len           ;length of prompt, max = 16
>        ldir
>Then call PGMIO_EXEC, but with a different command in ASM_IND_CALL:
>        ld      a,1                     ;code for NUMERIC input
>        ld      (ASM_IND_CALL),a
>        call    PGMIO_EXEC
>The input is automatically parsed as an expression, and the result is
>in OP1.
>        call    _formDisp               ;display it
>        ret
>prompt:         .db "Inp:",0
>prompt_len      =   $-prompt
>Now go on and write a killer application,

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