Re: A83: Re: moving background


Re: A83: Re: moving background

On 18-Jul-98, Chris Hiszpanski wrote:

>Spend 5 minutes to think about it yourself, then read the answer below:

>- ---

>Just rotate every byte in the graph buffer through carry, like this:

>        ld    hl,PLOTSSCREEN
>        ld    b,0
>loop1:  rr    (hl)
>        djnz  loop1
>        ld    b,0
>loop2:  rr    (hl)
>        djnz  loop2
>        ld    b,0
>loop3:  rr    (hl)
>        djnz  loop3
>        ret

>That's optimized for speed, optimizing for size would use bc to loop
>all of the buffer at once. This will scroll everything to the right one
>pixel, leaving the leftmost row trashed.


>To Linus:

>Hey, thanks for the help. I still don't get why if you use bc the left most
>row gets trashed. 

>From: Chris

Ah, sorry. I was a bit unclear, the leftmost row will always get trashed. The
"This" in the second sentence refers to the piece of code above.

