A83: Pixplotting routine..


A83: Pixplotting routine..

Hi guys..
I wrote myself a pixplottingroutine, and I think it became quite good.. I
thought I should share it with you..  There is probably someone outthere in
nead of a really fast pixplotter :) And someone can probably make it even
and there is probably also someone who wants to learn more asm, that can
learn something from it..
It plots to the graph-backup and with just a small change (see comments in
code) you can transform it to a pixel-changer..  or a pixel clearer..
(it's very well commented too, so I think there should be no problem to
follow what I have done..)

enough talk..  here it is..  say what you think of it and I will try to
defend what I have done :)

;| ALH |       > PIX <    Put a pixel in Graph Backup ¦        a=x e=y

;/-----------| PIX

;	push	af		; Uncomment these to save regs..  
;	push	de

	ld	d,0		; Do y*12
	sla	e
	sla	e
	ld	hl,0
	add	hl,de
	add	hl,de
	add	hl,de

       ld      d,0             ; Do x/8
       ld      e,a
       srl     e
       srl     e
       srl     e
       add     hl,de
       ld      de,8e29h
       add     hl,de           ; Add address to graphbuf

       ld      de,0007h     	; Get the remainder of x/8
       and     e
	ld	e,a
	ld	IX,pixtable  	; Look up in table witch pixel to be set
	add	IX,de		
	ld	a,(IX+0)  	; and load this

	or	(HL)		; 'xor' to toggle pixel, 'and' to clear
	ld	(HL),a		

;	pop	de
;	pop	af


	.db	10000000b
	.db	01000000b
	.db	00100000b
	.db	00010000b
	.db	00001000b
	.db	00000100b
	.db	00000010b
	.db	00000001b

;\-----------| PIX