Re: A83: Contrast Question


Re: A83: Contrast Question

This seems to work.  I have tried it before. 

     call _LCD_Busy
     in a,(LCDinstPort) ;get contrast value
     ld (con),a         ; store it
     ld a,(con)         ; retrive it
     or 0C0h            ; required stuff
     call _LCD_Busy     ;       "   "
     out (LCDinstPort),a ;  display it

that should work. You can then use it any way you like.

At 04:47 PM 8/26/98 EDT, you wrote:
>Hello all, as I sit at my desk writing this, Bonnie's swirling winds are
>pummeling the coast of North Carolina.  It won't be long until she approaches
>us.  I probably won't talk to you people for a week or so until things shape
>up again, so here's a question to keep you occupied:
>	"How can I read the user's current contrast setting in ASM?"
>Yes, I was thinking something of the like of 
>	"in a,(LCDInstPort)"  but that didn't seem to work.. if anyone could help me
>out that would be great.  Thanks for your help!