A83: Re: OK, a real question, it's about fun with text.


A83: Re: OK, a real question, it's about fun with text.

Great! hehe
SOS loves everyone! It's just like Barney (well, maybe not...)!

Anyway, to scroll text up the screen I'd just write a line to the bottom of
the screen (with the flags set to write to the graph buffer) and execute the
following code 7x before writting the next line of text:

 ld bc,768-12
 ld de,graph_buffer
 ld hl,graph_buffer+12
 call copy_graph_buffer

Sorry, I don't know the equates for ti83asm.inc....
btw, I'm 16, will be 17 in September.

-----Original Message-----
From: SethirothL@aol.com <SethirothL@aol.com>
To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Sunday, August 23, 1998 2:52 PM
Subject: A83: OK, a real question, it's about fun with text.

>Yes, yes, I'm happy now, after long hours (not really) of hard work, all my
>programs seem to like me now.  SOS and DevPac83 love me now, so all is well
>and good.  But I thought the other day, I would sure love to know how to
>text scroll up the screen as in a credits roll, or something.  I think I
>remember a game that I played before that had it, and I think it was Spaze
>Invaders, but I'm not too sure.  Anyhow, if someone could give me info on
>to make text scroll, I would be very happy.  On a side note here, how old
>all you people?  I'm 16.  Thanks.
