Re: A83: Assembly commands


Re: A83: Assembly commands

>- -Phelan 'Amen' Wolf
>ldir,djnz,sbc,rra,drl, and rr I have no idea.

ldir: Load Increment Repeat (ldir)
	It actually does LDI (load and inc) until BC=0
	lddr works the same way but decrements	

djnz (e): Decrement Jump Not Zero 
	B=B-1 until B=0

sbc (A,s): Subtract with carry (affects carry flag)

rra: Rotate right accumulator

drl: don't know

rr: rotate right n (rr n; opposed to rra, which uses accumulator

Check the Z80 Hardware Reference and Z80 microprocessor Instruction set
summary - at (I think). They define almost all of the Z80 Mnemonics.

Hope this helped.

Marc Harper
