A83: Variable loads


A83: Variable loads

I was just wondering...can you load variables directly into op1 & op2 
instead of a.  I think I'll need this since a can't handle values 
larger than 99.  For example:

#define somevar 8265h

ld (op1),(somevar)


ld (somevar),(op1)

How about:

ld hl,(somevar)
ld (op1),hl
ld hl,(op1)
ld (somevar),hl

If either or both of these will work, let me know.  If I don't need 
to do this, if a regular register (a,b,c,d,e) will work instead of 
having to use op1 or hl, let me know. (I'm planning to deal with 
values as much as 5,000,000.  Thanx.

Jonathan Wang

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