A82: New Versions of CrASH...


A82: New Versions of CrASH...

> Kouri wrote:
> So Hideaki, what exactly do you plan on including in this new
> shell of yours? Relocation and unrelocation (just location? :) )
> right? Will it be backwards-compatible with CrASH 1.5 and Ash 3.0
> programs? What kind of new routines have you decided to include
> so far? Give us some details man! :)
> P.S. I think you should include a graph mem clearing routine.

Hi everyone...   I think I should release CrASH v1.6 before I get too caught
up with making the rest of CrASH2...
I will be releasing it in the near future with the following features:

CrASH v1.6 - May 1999

-> New Program Detect Code
TI-OS hidden programs to programs with names starting with $40 '@', but not
in CrASH

-> New CR_GRBCopy (bugfix)
draws 12 columns instead of 13 (7% speed improvement)

-> Faster Relocation Code
10 clocks faster per relocated byte (16% speed improvement)

-> New ROM_CALL calling function
21 clocks faster per call of ROM_CALL (14% speed improvement)

-> Source release for CrASH Calls and the ROM_CALL calling function

-> CrASH v1.6 Patch (separate program)
Patch older versions of CrASH to version 1.6 without having to reinstall all
other programs

-> Possible other ROM versions supported
possible to support v10

As for CrASH2, this is what's already planned:

CrASH v2.0 - Sometime in 1999
-> All of the above improvements from v1.6

-> VAT compatible Relocation of Programs
Allows using external data files by a running program

-> Several Newly added CrASH Calls:
CR_SpriteXOR ; draws clipped 8x8 sprite at GRAPH_MEM
CR_SprHtChg ; changes sprite's height
CR_GRBClear ; clears GRAPH_MEM - suggestion from Kouri

-> New File Format
Fixes screw-up in old file format with the version number...

-> Macros for some op-code combinations
LD_HL_BC, NEG_HL, etc.

-> Several New Memory Regions
TEMP_MEM; some extra allocated memory for program usage (for decompression
of levels, graphics, etc)

-> More graphical user interface

-> Compatibility with CrASH v1.5 (Ash v3.0)

Well, that's quite a large list...
Comments, etc. please.


Follow-Ups: References: