Re: A82: ASM Guide


Re: A82: ASM Guide

Cool.  Asm has had too few lessons so it's good to see some new lessons
out there. I've checked out the page and the lesson TOC page looks great!
 If the lessons are as good as the rest of it looks, it'll be a great
guide.  I always hated not having much asm info.  To learn what to do,
you need to program, but to program, you needed to know how to use the
functions.  Circular logic at it's finest.


I just placed my ASM Programming Guide online on my site
( It's not fully finished, but I can't keep
waiting forever to publish what I have yet.

Anyway, it consists of 21 lessons at the moment. Go take a look for

BTW, the lessons are also downloadable as a HTML help file for your
offline pleasure :) look at the programs page for that.


~Larry C

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