Re: A82: Where's Plane Jump 82?


Re: A82: Where's Plane Jump 82?

In a message dated 98-05-18 22:55:30 EDT, you write:

> Wow Greg. You're pretty observant at observing how other people are
>  observant. :) So where is Plane (or is it Plain?) Jump? If you say "on my
>  hard drive" I'll fly to Michigan and kill you :)
>  P.S. Doncha just hate people who write "soon" or "a month from now" for
>  the release date in the PUDs?

1.) he doesn't live in Michigan

2.) if you want to be mathmatically correct, it would be Plane

3.) yeah I hate that so much, I did it myself (check out the Dr. Mario PUD)

