A82: hey, sam, small routine for you...


A82: hey, sam, small routine for you...

For Orzunoid 5.1 (make it 5.11 or 5.2), if you have the chance,

here's a concept:

somewhere in the prog, have
ibeatgame:	.db 0
old_a_reg:	.db 0

and include a routine to do this:

if the person beats the game,
;place this somewhere in 
	ld a, 1
	ld (ibeatgame), a
;a flag of sorts to see if the person beat the game at least once.

now... when the person does "???????",  make it do this:
;wherever it mentions "jr z, new"  -- before that command, place: "call
z, beatTEST"  it will return zf if the game was ;never beatten, and zf
will be reset if the person DID beat the game.  change the "jr z, new" to
"jr nz, new" to
; accomodate the routine.

	ld (old_a_reg), a	;i used this instead of push & pop af
because those restore the flags, which
			; we don't want
	ld a, (ibeatgame)
	cp 0		;test to see if a person REALLY beat the
game, or heard about it from a friend.
			; zf = LAMER, NEVER BEAT.  else, the game will do
			; i used "cp 0" instead of "or a" because cp
doesn't directly alter a, whereas or will.
	ld a, (old_a_reg)	;restore the original.

this kind of routine grants the "??????" only to people who have really
beaten the game.  perhaps make this part of the next version of Orzunoid.


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